Thursday, December 6, 2012

six things

1/  Literary Mama has reprinted "Boulevard Brewing Company" and "Renaming the Newborn."  You can read each poem individually, or see my author page here, which I hope will gradually grow with work.  I like how the list and the dates imply there is future-work to do.

2/  "This Is the Body Rewriting Itself" is up on the most recent issue of Loch Raven Review.

3/  An important piece:  "On Suicide" on the Best American Poetry blog

4/  Watch:  "Behind the Scenes at the New York Ballet"

5/  Haunting (and if you are squeamish, maybe just peek at the first image):  three white-tail bucks locking horns

6/  Ryan showed me this woman's book art:  Julie Dodd (samples above)

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