Monday, December 12, 2011

ms2, ms3

 Three of my favorite people:  Meryl holding Maya and my husband in the background.  
Also, another favorite person, skating in her second roller derby bout this weekend.
Post on roots + wings:  NSRG Derby Bout #2:  Sailing the Seven Seas

I've got two manuscripts chugging at once:  there is the (in)fertility manuscript, which is robust, with individual poems finding homes happily and rapidly.  I read through it last week, for the first time in a long time, and I see places where I want to take it, alterations and trimmings.  It is full-size now, but there will be poems melding and exiting stage left, there will be new poems written to fill it out in the best possible ways.  This manuscript examines:  (in)fertility, hope and hope and hope, mother-relationships, foundations for family, the body, the body as object, illness, incubation, hibernation, the natural world and its imprints, small things, the failures of the body, triumph, birth, nursing, dismantling dresses, corridors, star systems.

The second manuscript has only begun as a ghostly outline with a few poems written, many more in the planning stages, and those poems that have been written, surprisingly, also have already found homes.  I'm thinking about wider things:  women's lives, the art and fumblings of raising a daughter, the communication of bodies, women as leaders and pioneers and powerful figures, occupations, daughter-relationships, pleasure, ferns and thickets.

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